Tuesday, April 1, 2008

I've Arrived At Last

Well...here it is...my first blog entry. I have been blog stalking so many people for so long, contemplating creating my own blog. I have done it at last. I am so very excited! I am going to bore everyone with useless information that no one will care about. I will be neither witty nor will I be insightful. This is soley intended to curb my blogging appetite. I am sorry if you came by expecting more, but I do hope that you will come back!


JB said...

my expectations are only to expect as much as you are willing to give.

think about that for a little while.

Lisa said...

I am sucked in already. I can not wait for your next installment.

The Potts Family said...

yea! I'm so excited. One more blog for me to browse when i should be working. At least I can add you to the list of people I actually KNOW that I blogstalk. Welcome to the world of blogging!

Sherry Turner said...

Welcome to the craziness! I can't wait to stalk you back!!!

JB said...

ok, i'm stalking but I need more to stalk....so get to writing.

Sherry Turner said...

I agree...I come every day looking for more and there is nothing. Of course, I have no room to talk! I think James and Alison are the only people that keep theirs up on a regular basis.

Lisa said...

Ditto. I stalk every day too! Where are the Jen thoughts?