All day on Monday (and really the whole weekend), I was kind of “down in the dumps”. I was just having a hard day. I couldn’t make a decision for myself; I felt like nothing was going my way; I was pretty mopey. It was just an all around crappy day. I had even flaked out on going to Mike’s volleyball game…and I rarely miss the games. I just wanted to go home and read.
I had to go to Target after work to buy some toiletries that we needed days ago but that I hadn’t been able to make myself go out and get over the weekend. Mike volunteered to go for me, which was SUCH a blessing. I just wanted to go home, prop my feet up, and open up the book I was going to start. Mike was already home from the store when I made it home and he had a surprise waiting for me…
It was a double boiler!!!!!! I was so happy!!!!! What a great ending to my crappy day and my crabby attitude! I have wanted one of those darn things for a while, but I hadn’t wanted to spend my birthday money quite yet. So I was procrastinating. Well, wait no more! I had one sitting pretty on my stove. I can’t wait until my 10 day diet is over so that I can use it! Oh the things I can make with melted chocolate…
God is so good (and not just because of melted chocolate in a double boiler)! He has given me so much for which to be thankful. I know it is so important to remember, even in the midst of a crabby attitude kind of day, that God has blessed me greatly. It may not include the blessings that I think I deserve and am patiently waiting for (whilst tapping my foot and huffing out my breath), but I can hardly complain about the blessings of a wonderful and generous husband, a job, family and friends that I adore, and so on and so forth.
I understand crabby moods very well. I too get into a funk sometimes and can't seem to dig myself out. It's surprising how sometimes the smallest things can help us out of our moods.
By the way what exactly are you going to make yummy for me to eat in your new boiler?????
yeah yeah yeah...what's a double boiler?
Glad it made you feel better.
I've defintely had those days!!! It's the little things that can make the biggest difference.
I'm with Lisa....when is the melted chocolate party???
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