Sunday, June 22, 2008

#1 Redskins Fan

We have a winner folks! It's the number 1 Redskins fan! Little baby Jefferson is such a fan. It's a shame his dad is the number 1 Dallas Cowboys fan... Take a look at happy little Jefferson. He just loves it at the Belknap house.

Here he is lounging on the Redskins blanket that my mom made for Mike. He looks so comfy. I doubt he has a blanket this cool at his house. Poor guy.

Look how much he loves wearing clothes too! (By the way, he was a lot happier about wearing this than Reagan or Roxy ever is...honest.)

Man oh man! That little Jefferson is the cutest thing. He just looks up at you with the sweetest most innocent face. He and Roxy had the greatest time playing. They ran and ran and ran until they could run no more. They wrestled together over and over. Then they would wrap their heads around each other's necks likes giraffes to rest before they started wrestling again. It was so cute. Poor Roxy never has anyone to play with. Reagan, which I'm sure is no surprise, does not like to play with pesky Roxy. But Jefferson sure does.

Oh, and you don't want to miss this - I got Mike an "I love you" gift. This is what it DID look like:

This is what it NOW looks like: (Side note...Kyle, when did you teach Jefferson this trick?)

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Little Bits of Nonsensical Information

If you don’t want to completely waste your valuable time, you should stop reading now. If you are interested in a crazy mind at work, then read on…I normally only share these thoughts with those closest to me, but since they are probably the only ones reading this, then I am sure they won’t be surprised or find it a total waste of time…hopefully.

So, I asked Mike the other day if he thought people would think it weird if I told them that our dogs’ middle names were “Bacon” and “Kins”. I know it’s KIND of weird, but is it REALLY weird? I always call the dogs Reagan Bacon and Roxy Kins (although I normally say Roxykins, like it’s one word…so I guess that wouldn’t make it a middle name, it would make Roxy a kind of nickname. But that’s beside that point.). I only call them those names though if I am not calling them Sister. They are sisters, and I think they should recognize each other as such. So it’s a kind of reinforcement to continually call my two totally unrelated and different bred dogs “sisters”. Probably not something that I should share with anyone or that Mike wants me to share. But now it’s totally out in the open.

Another thing…I really get on these kicks where I am obsessed with something and can’t get enough of it. There are two very important things I am obsessing about right now (I can TOTALLY hear my dad saying, “Stop obsessing, Jennifer!”). One being Cristina’s tortilla soup. Yuummmmyyyyyyy!!!! Can’t get enough. In fact, I made some homemade tortilla soup on Sunday, and I was not disappointed. I even had it again on Monday to satisfy the urge. The second obsession right now is BBC America’s Robin Hood. If you haven’t seen it, don’t knock it. If you have seen it, then you know the acting is completely horrendous and totally addicting. I freaking love that show! Whoever thought that up was a bloody genius. I am currently trying to figure out how to rent season one of the show. We caught the end of season 1 and are now deep into season 2. I feel that it is very important to get all the background info that may have been presented to the viewer early in season 1. What if I am missing some vital piece of information that is hindering my total understanding of the current episodes? Alas, my local Blockbuster does not carry this breathtakingly splendiferous foreign tv show. How irritating. I will have to venture to the next Blockbuster which is a few short blocks from my current Blockbuster. Maybe they will have a better selection for my viewing pleasure.


Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Down In The Dumps

All day on Monday (and really the whole weekend), I was kind of “down in the dumps”. I was just having a hard day. I couldn’t make a decision for myself; I felt like nothing was going my way; I was pretty mopey. It was just an all around crappy day. I had even flaked out on going to Mike’s volleyball game…and I rarely miss the games. I just wanted to go home and read.

I had to go to Target after work to buy some toiletries that we needed days ago but that I hadn’t been able to make myself go out and get over the weekend. Mike volunteered to go for me, which was SUCH a blessing. I just wanted to go home, prop my feet up, and open up the book I was going to start. Mike was already home from the store when I made it home and he had a surprise waiting for me…

It was a double boiler!!!!!! I was so happy!!!!! What a great ending to my crappy day and my crabby attitude! I have wanted one of those darn things for a while, but I hadn’t wanted to spend my birthday money quite yet. So I was procrastinating. Well, wait no more! I had one sitting pretty on my stove. I can’t wait until my 10 day diet is over so that I can use it! Oh the things I can make with melted chocolate…

God is so good (and not just because of melted chocolate in a double boiler)! He has given me so much for which to be thankful. I know it is so important to remember, even in the midst of a crabby attitude kind of day, that God has blessed me greatly. It may not include the blessings that I think I deserve and am patiently waiting for (whilst tapping my foot and huffing out my breath), but I can hardly complain about the blessings of a wonderful and generous husband, a job, family and friends that I adore, and so on and so forth.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Stuff Christians Like Blog

My two sisters are teaching VBS together at our home church. Jayme mentioned something on her blog that cracked me up…orange “juice” (meaning a form of artificially flavored orange drink) and sandwich cookies (not to be confused with Oreos). Orange drink…not too bad if you don’t consider the rate at which your teeth are rotting with each drink you take. Sandwich cookies…just not the same thing as Oreos. Just not the same thing at all. The orange drink and sandwich cookies will always remind me of VBS as a kid. I guess 20-something years later they are still serving the same stuff!

This subject reminds me of a blog that my friend Warner told me about.

Those who grew up in an old school Church of Christ, or probably any Protestant church for that matter, will appreciate the humor in what he talks about. I started reading from the bottom and am working my way up. He mentions things that I had completely forgotten about or just haven’t paid notice to in a while. Like sandwich cookies instead of Oreos, or puppets at VBS, or youth group drama about teen pregnancy, and stuff that, well, that Christians like.

Anyway, very interesting and entertaining…especially if you are a product of the Woodlawn Church of Christ environment, and I suspect any other similar church.

Just a flashback for those that did go to VBS at Woodlawn – a song that went suspiciously like this:
Please don’t curse, please don’t curse
I can’t think of anything that’s worse.
Please don’t smoke, please don’t smoke
Feed your tobacco to a billy goat.
Don’t drink booze, don’t drink booze
Spend your money on a coat and shoes.

And with that…I’m out.