Here he is lounging on the Redskins blanket that my mom made for Mike. He looks so comfy. I doubt he has a blanket this cool at his house. Poor guy.
Look how much he loves wearing clothes too! (By the way, he was a lot happier about wearing this than Reagan or Roxy ever is...honest.)
Man oh man! That little Jefferson is the cutest thing. He just looks up at you with the sweetest most innocent face. He and Roxy had the greatest time playing. They ran and ran and ran until they could run no more. They wrestled together over and over. Then they would wrap their heads around each other's necks likes giraffes to rest before they started wrestling again. It was so cute. Poor Roxy never has anyone to play with. Reagan, which I'm sure is no surprise, does not like to play with pesky Roxy. But Jefferson sure does.
Oh, and you don't want to miss this - I got Mike an "I love you" gift. This is what it DID look like:
This is what it NOW looks like: (Side note...Kyle, when did you teach Jefferson this trick?)